2025 JR BOARD SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION The Chamber will award one junior board member a scholarship for $1000. The board member must be in good standing, have completed 20+ service hours for the Chamber, and have regularly attended board meetings. Name First Name * Last Name * Address Block - US Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City * State * Select option... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming DC Zip/Postal Code * HONORS AND AWARDS * LIST ALL HONORS OR AWARDS RECEIVED OVER LAST 4 YEARS CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES LIST ALL INVOLEMENT IN HIGH SCHOOL/CIVIC CLUBS. PLEASE NOTE IF HELD OFFICE FOR ANY CLUB. FATHER'S NAME First Name Last Name MOTHER'S NAME First Name Last Name ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME * Less than $80,000 annually $80-150,000 annually $150,000 annually NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS LIVING AT HOME * COLLEGE YOU PLAN TO ATTEND * COURSE OF STUDY * ESSAY * Please provide a short essay describing any special needs or circumstances that would qualify you for this scholarship. You will also need to attach a high school transcript. Upload Transcript *